Working togetherCategory: CorrectionChoose a better translation option
Litriche asked 7 years ago

Hello everyone, I’m learning English and want to know a better quality of text translation.

1. First option:
Nothing is as intoxicating as unlimited power.
People sacrifice many things for it and sometimes even lives of the closest ones.
In this story, you find yourself in the middle of the conflict between magical orders of the glorious kingdom of Velianor.
Since ancient times in the kingdom of Velianor, there were three great magical orders: Children of the Moon, Dark Stars and Order of the Crimson Dawn.
They lived in peace with each other until the greatest master-wizard, whose name remained a secret, created three legendary magical artifacts.”

2. The second option:
Nothing intoxicates you as much as unlimited power.
For that, many things are sacrificed, and sometimes – the lives of closest people to you.
In this story, you find yourself in the middle of conflict of magical orders of glorious kingdom of Velianor. For long time, there were three great magical orders in kingdom of Velianor: The Children of Moon, The Dark Star and The Scarlet Dawn. They had lived in peace with each other until one greatest master-magician, whose name remained in secret, created three legendary magical artifacts.

3. The third option:

Nothing is more tempting than absolute power.
For it one can sacrifice many things, and sometimes – lives оf the very close ones.
In this story you will find yourself in the very heart of conflict of magical orders of fine kingdom of Velianor. Since oldest times there was three magical orders in kingdom of Velianor: Children of the Moon, Dark Stars and Order of the Crimson Dawn. They lived in peace with each other, until the greatest master-wizard whose name remained a mystery created three legendary magical artifacts.

I count on your help.

For those who know Russian, original:

Ничто так не опьяняет, как безграничная власть.
Ради неё жертвуют многими вещами, а иногда и жизнями
самых близких людей.
В этой истории вы попадаете в самую гущу конфликта
магических орденов славного королевства Велианор.
Издавна в королевстве Велианор существовало три
великих магических ордена: Дети Луны, Темные Звезды и
орден Багрового Рассвета. Они жили в мире друг с другом
до тех пор, пока величайший мастер-волшебник, чье
имя осталось в тайне, не создал три легендарных
волшебных артефакта.

Lurianna replied 7 years ago

Здравствуйте. Третий вариант перевода лучше всего.

1 Answers
LowDefinition answered 7 years ago

The second option seems like the best. However, there are a few mistakes in it that would make it even better.
Below is a slightly edited version of the second option, which would be a good choice.
“Nothing intoxicates a person as much as unlimited power.
For that, many things are sacrificed, and sometimes even the lives of people closest to you.
In this story, you find yourself in the middle of a conflict between the magical orders within the glorious kingdom of Velianor. For a long time, there were three great magical orders in the kingdom of Velianor; the Children of the Moon, the Dark Star and the Scarlet Dawn. They had lived in peace with each other until one greatest master magician, whose name remained in secret, created three legendary magical artifacts.”
In the names of the magical orders (The Children of Moon, The Dark Star and The Scarlet Dawn) the “The” shouldn’t be a capital letter. The isn’t capitalized in names/titles/etc, so I fixed that. I also added a ; (semicolon) instead of a : (colon) because I’m pretty sure the prior choice is for listing.
It sounds very good though!

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