Working togetherCategory: QuestionsEnglish/French/Czech for ITALIAN exchange
St3fania asked 5 years ago
  • I’m interested in language exchange, I think that learning with a spare partner is much more fun and it’s easier 🙂 
  • Je suis intéressée par l’échange linguistique, je pense qu’apprendre avec un partenaire de rechange est beaucoup plus amusant et plus facile.
  • Mi interessa lo scambio linguistico, penso che imparare con un partner di riserva sia molto più divertente e facile.
Martinezmontoyav replied 5 years ago

I want to learn English!

saeedkh replied 5 years ago

I’m Said . I’m learning English. Can you help me?

1 Answers
Wenda answered 5 years ago

Hi! I’m a native italian, and I can help you with your question.. on the other hand, I want to improve my english. So, we could help eachother

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