Using Humour to Inspire Learning

Using Humour to Inspire Learning

When people set out to learn a language, they all have buckets of enthusiasm and energy. The simplest way to describe how you feel is to compare it to a relationship, everything is new, exciting and you’re learning so much. You’re stepping into the unknown and it feels great, doesn’t it?

After a while most people start feeling that the experience is getting a little tedious because your mind is lacking the freshest you first had when you started. For one reason or another you start to lose interest and end up delaying your learning or completely stop.

What a shame!!!!!!

One thing we tend to forget is that we can actually make this process fun again just by adding a little humor into your learning.

Humor is definitely a big contributing factor and as a result can make the whole process more efficient. Furthermore, humor can be related to cultural concepts which can lead to a deeper understanding of the language.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could actively bring the humorous side of learning when practicing your targeted language? This allows you to have a genuinely proactive conversation and increases your chances to immerse further into the culture!

In today’s post, we want to refocus your mind and bring the fun back into learning.

Let’s laugh and learn

Jokes – Everyone loves a good joke

lol-706869_1280Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Spell who?


This is a very simple but effective joke. Why would this work for you?

If you’re able to tell the joke, it proves that not only do you understand the words but you are well on your way to understanding the cultural reference and side of the language and that is a big deal.

As a part of your on going development, take some time to research simple jokes that would lighten the mood when talking with your language partner.

If you’re already having regular conversations in your targeted language, why not add some laughter into your sessions by integrating a quick 5 minute joke-telling session into your learning?

Slang words – Every language comes with a list of slang words

As you might already know the English language has an endless list of slang words as do many others. If you’re looking for some new vocabulary to fuel your meetings, you might like to research and try some of the most common slang words in your chosen foreign language.

Not only is this amusing but you can work them into your conversations to add a little kick to keep your sessions interesting and entertaining. This can also apply to friends who you communicate with regularly by messaging or emails.

Not your cup of tea? Well, let’s move onto the next tip!

Songs – Weddings, Party Music


Every culture has some form of tradition they follow. A good example is at weddings or parties, there is always that one traditional song that everyone knows. Whether you’re wedding-1605322_1280young or old, you’ve heard it once in your lifetime. If you are looking to make an impression, why not discover one of these traditional songs?

For instance, taking the initiative to snoop out popular songs allows you to change your routine and have some fun at the same time.

Furthermore you can use this an a conversation piece which opens your discussions to more enjoyable themes. This is what makes language learning in enriching experience, the fact that you have the opportunity to immerse yourself into another part of the world and add humor to everyday life moments and diversify your studying habits. We guarantee that you language partner will appreciate your efforts and in turn be willing to help you more.


One of the easiest way to introduce laughter into a conversation is making references from popular TV shows like Friends, How I Met Your Mother even The Simpsons. These shows are televised all over the world and people everywhere can relate to the characters and storylines. Through these programs, we can always find a common life situation or moment which help us see things from a fun perspective.

Think up something you do daily or something that you’d like to discuss in your foreign language. It could be anything shopping, cleaning, going to work, getting a coffee – anything that the other person can understand or can share the same experience.

Whatever your topic of conversation, try and work in one of the best one liners from a show into your conversation, for instance from the series Friends –

“Yeah, it’s like a cow’s opinion. It just doesn’t matter. It’s moo.” Joey

Whatever works for you at that moment. And even if you use it incorrectly and out of context, it doesn’t matter because at least you tried.


Sharing personal stories, either about something funny that happened to you or a funny situation involving someone you know always lightens the mood of any conversation.

Everyone loves a good story!

chalkboard-620316_1280Events that take place in your life are so central to you, so why not share them? At the end of the day, this method gives you the opportunity to reflect on your personal experiences in the associated language. Telling and listening to stories is one of the best ways to develop fluency.

Research has proven time and time again that when we are being told a story not only does this process enlighten our sense but also activates parts of our brain.

Even though it can be challenging to find all the words needed to tell your story, take the time to prepare for it, if needed. Try it just once and see how great it feels – start off we something small. Like something funny that happen at work or on the train to work.

If you want to improve your English fast, humor and laughter makes this language learning process more of a healthy one rather than a stressful experience. Add some fun into your studies – all you will be doing is benefiting from it, you’re learning new words, enriching your cultural experience and with a smile.

We really believe that beyond the fun factor, humor is a very effective way to activate learning.

Humor has the power to fuel engagement and can definitely maximize learning as well as strengthen your memory.

Comments ( 2 )



    • Glad you think so.
      It’s important to have fun when learning. It makes the whole process just that little bit more easier.
      Keeping smiling and learning.

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