Term Archives

  1. Part 2 - Lesson 7 - What’s considered as Bad Manners in the English Society

    I’ll cover 10 of the classic and common ones. This lesson will help you to understand the English Society and culture in great detail. A large part of immersing yourself in languages is behaviour so this video will give you an overview in manners and etiquette.
  2. Part 2 - Lesson 6 - The Verb - To Be

    In this lesson I will teach you one of the most common verbs in English, the verb ‘to be’ You will learn the present, past and future of this verb I will teach you the short form I will teach you the negative form And I will teach you how we use this verb in […]
  3. Part 3 - Lesson 7 - Tips On How To Manage Your Conversations in English

    I know many of you are eager to become fluent! I have recorded this video to give you tips and guidelines on how you can manager your conversations with English speakers. You’ll understand what’s going wrong and how you can fix the problems you encounter quickly.
  4. Part 3 - Lesson 3 - Expressing Thanks and Gratitude

    In today’s lesson, i’ll be showing you How to use thanks and gratitude in different situations In a general way At work Responding to a ‘thanks’ Showing gratitude And actions showing gratitude
  5. Part 3 - Lesson 6 - Expressing Your Likes and Dislikes

    Let someone else get to know you better – this video is centred around you using new words to express your likes and dislikes You will practise talking about the things you like doing and the things that you don’t like doing And also about the things you are indifferent about
  6. Part 3 - Lesson 5 - Making Invitations and Responding

    This video is focused on how you invite people to different types of events We’ll be looking at the formal and informal version I’ll teach you how you respond to invitations And how you politely decline
  7. Part 3 - Lesson 4 - Going to the Hairdressers

    In today’s lesson, i’m going to teach you: How to make an appointment Describing what haircut or style you would like And explaining hair problems You’ll learn plenty of new words and practice your pronunciation
  8. Part 3 - Lesson 2 - Weather Conversation Starters

    The weather is a great conversation starter anywhere in the world so in today’s lesson you will learn: Questions you can ask around the weather Common weather expressions And i’ll be teaching you new words to describe rain, cloud, types of wind and hot weather
  9. Part 3 - Lesson 1 - Asking and Giving Directions

    I’ll cover the basics. You will learn how to ask for and give directions You will learn some expressions And you will also learn about some signs that you can see in the UK
  10. Part 2 - Lesson 5 - Food

    Today you will learn many new words relating to food All about the different meals of the day. You will also learn how to describe how food tastes And you will learn phrasal verbs for food like cut out, pig out, knock back… and many more. Personal exercise and test included relating to this topic
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